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The "Old Smokey" waste incinerator operated in Coconut Grove, Miami, for over 40 years, creating a build-up of toxic waste pollution in highly residential areas. The Old Smokey Steering Committee, a community group in Coconut Grove, aims to spark civic action in cleaning up the polluted areas as well as raise awareness of the events and problems surrounding the old incinerator. The purpose of the site is to have an online, centralized source of information concerning the incinerator and committee, and information for residents who may have been affected by the contamination.

My approach on this project was to create a fairly simple, easy-to-navigate site that presented the important information, such as faqs and contact information, clearly. These pages contrast with the grimness of the History and Documentary pages, that tell the story of how soot and smoke rained down on and consumed a community for decades.

Using javascript, I created a split-screen scrolling effect (on desktop) with the home page so that the text would be halted at specific points while the viewer scrolled through a series of images. This was a custom Wordpress theme built over the Bones theme that I wrote much of the css and javascript for. It is now managed by The University of Miami.

old smokey desktop